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  • 16Nov
    Online Open Day 16 November 2024
    09:00 - 17:15
  • 27Nov
    Open Avond (deeltijd) 27 november 2024
    Arnhem - 17:00 - 21:00
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    Sample Lecture, Student for a Day, Meet 1:1


The Automotive Engineering program at HAN is geared to industry needs. We work closely with our industry partners to ensure you get the right skills. Choose to specialize in various fields of expertise: Business Management, Manufacturing, Powertrain, Structural Design, Vehicle Technology or Vehicle Electronics and Control. And broaden your skills set in marketing, management and business economics.

Full program of the English-taught Automotive Engineering Bachelor at HAN University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands

Automotive Engineering: program in brief

At HAN Automotive, you put all theory into practice. How? In projects with fellow students. Together you learn how to create energy-efficient automobiles. And you work on super-fast race cars.

The automotive industry never sleeps. Projects about future mobility concepts give you the latest insights into the automotive industry. You learn the ins and outs of management, communication, and energy conservation.  

In your 2nd year, you start to specialize. You get to choose from various fields of expertise. Finally, you gain professional experience during your internship and graduation project. 

Learn more about Automotive Engineering

Meet lecturers & students

Get an inside view of the Automotive Engineering program at HAN. Become a student for a day, join a sample lecture or meet 1:1 with a lecturer or student online. We are currently offering the following activities:

  • Meet 1:1
  • Student for a Day
Meet 1-to-1 with a student or lecturer from Automotive Engineering at HAN University of Applied Sciences

Solid foundation

In your 1st year you get a solid foundation in automotive technology.

Subjects in 1st-year

You follow technical subjects like Mathematics, Mechanics and Analyzing Vehicle Systems. Also, you take commercial subjects like Build My Company and Making It Sell.

Learning through videos instead of books

For some subjects, you get to learn through videos instead of books. This makes it easier for you to study as you can watch all videos at your own pace. Also, they help you prepare for your practicals. There you’ll put theory into practice. You don’t simply watch other people work on automotive parts. You’re also challenged to do the same. In this practical way of learning, you get to apply what you have learned through videos. Like the ins and outs of car electronics, DC motors, and switching phenomena. This practical approach continues all the way through the end of your degree.

Academic calendar

The academic year runs from September to August. In that time you have 42 weeks of education. The rest of the time you have holidays.


Are you missing home? Are your classes too challenging? Want advice about your internship? Your study coach is there to help you with such issues. They help you find effective ways to study. Support you in making choices about your future career. And guide you in your personal development. 


HAN uses the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). This system is part of the bachelor-master structure. ECTS credits are a measure of the workload of a degree program.  

To the 2nd year? Check your study advice!

At the end of 1st year, you receive study advice. The credits you’ve earned are an important factor in this. Positive advice means you can move on to the 2nd year. Negative advice means you have to stop. That way you don’t waste time on a program that doesn't really suit you. 

Growing independence

Are you a diehard technician? Or do you prefer to focus on the business side of the vehicle world? From academic year 2, you expand your knowledge of automobiles and their component systems. You gain a lot of independence through practical projects. You also get to choose your specialization.

Subjects in 2nd-year

From year 2 and onwards, there's plenty of room for your personal interests. You decide for a large part what the rest of your study program will look like. Choose 1 out of 3 specializations:

  • Mobility & Business
  • Automotive Design
  • Vehicle Systems & Control

You will also work on dynamic projects with fellow students, such as the Gravity Racer and the HAN Eco-Marathon.

klas studenten klaslokaal lessituatie, FEM commerciele economie, accountancy

Professional experience

In your 3rd year you continue your chosen specialization. Also, you take a big step towards becoming a professional automotive engineer during your internship. You experience first-hand what it's like to work at an automotive company. You get to use all the practical skills that you have learned so far. And you will gain even more in-depth knowledge.


Your internship is your first chance to work as a professional automotive engineer. It lasts for 1 semester. Where you’ll go? You could go to one of our partners in the Netherlands, like DAF or VDL. Or you might go abroad, to a company like BMW or Delphi. You're free to choose. Before you start, you get a thorough preparation program. 

Internship experiences

Inspiring internship at VDL Steelweld

At VDL I learned to go from student to employee. You work together with colleagues and are a lot more certain in your actions.

Melissa Timmers, student HAN Automotive

Experience it for yourself!

Want to discover whether Automotive Engineering at HAN is the right choice for you? Experience it for yourself at the Open Day. Our students and staff look forward to meeting you there!

Open Day


Part of your Automotive Engineering degree is working on real-life research projects. The projects are for companies and organizations in the automobile sector. How does that work? HAN Automotive Institute conducts applied research on topics related to the specializations: Business Management, Manufacturing, Powertrain, Structural Design, Vehicle Technology and Vehicle Electronics and Control.

You work on these projects together with classmates, lecturers, researchers and Automotive related companies.

Graduation year

Your 4th and final year of your Automotive Engineering degree. First, choose your minor. This is a semester-long course where you to study a topic in a related field. Or focus in greater detail on an automotive subject of your choice. Next, choose your graduation assignment. This is where you research an issue for a company or organization.


HAN offers excellent minors for Automotive Engineering students. Why not sign up for Light Weight, Vehicle Electronics and Control, Internal Combustion Engines, Power Train, or Advanced Mobility? Or what about expanding your experiences even further? You could study at another university or even go abroad. Planning on continuing with HAN’s Master in Engineering Systems? Then a bridging program (pre-master) is the best choice for your minor.

Graduation assignment

Your final challenge in Automotive Engineering: the graduation assignment. Your topic? That depends on your specialization you chose earlier. The assignment is to research an issue for a company or organization. That could be any international automobile company. Like BMW, Delphi, Volvo, DAF or Aston Martin.

Bachelor of Science in Automotive Engineering

Your reward after 4 years of hard study: a Bachelor of Science in Automotive Engineering. The program you've completed is accredited by the Accreditation Organization of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO). That means you now have an internationally recognized degree. Ready to join an international company? Or further your expertise with a master degree?

Bachelor of Science in Automotive Engineering

Where will you study?

Watch our drone campus tour

Curious about the Engineering and Automotive campus in Arnhem? Watch our drone campus tour! Get a glimpse of the atmosphere. See for yourself what our classrooms, meeting rooms and project rooms look like.

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Find out about job opportunities, experiences of alumni and options for further studies in Automotive Engineering.