Admission requirements

Thinking of studying at HAN? Here we outline the admission requirements for bachelor, master, exchange and short programs.

Interesting pages for you

Admission requirements for 

Bachelor programs

Admission requirements for 

Master programs

Enrolling in a higher year or exemptions

Have you already completed part of a degree elsewhere? Then you might be thinking about enrolling in a higher year or getting exemptions. The requirements for starting in a higher year at HAN are very strict. Most students have to start in the 1st year even if they have studied a similar degree elsewhere. Exemptions are another option. Please note that you can only apply for exemptions once you have started the program and they will not shorten the length of your studies.

International Social Work. Groepje studenten aan tafel in gesprek op locatie Kapittelweg 33 in Nijmegen
Students in discussion at HAN Open Day talkshow

Do you need to speak Dutch?

Admission requirements for 

Exchange programs

Admission requirements for 

Short courses, e.g. summer/winter school