HAN Organization
What really drives HAN? Find out by reading its vision and mission statement. And by scanning its annual report. Also discover the programs and research themes of HAN's 14 schools. And learn about the International Office and HAN Language Center.

Annual Report
Each year HAN publishes an annual report. This document provides further information about HAN's goals and ach…
HAN has 14 schools. The degree programs, research teams and professional field join forces to tackle a range o…
Mission and vision
What is HAN’s guiding principle? What aims does the organization have? Find out more about HAN's mission and v…
HAN does not appear in the major university ranking systems. That’s because it’s a university of applied scien…
All HAN bachelor and master programs are accredited by the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and F…
Business units
The International Office is located at both the Arnhem and Nijmegen campuses. Foreign students can get info an…