Directions to campus
Want to know how to find us? Get the route and directions to the Arnhem and Nijmegen campuses by train, bus, bike or car.

Public transport
The HAN campuses in Arnhem and Nijmegen are easy to reach by train and bus. See the directions below. You can also plan your trip on the OV9292 website. Or download the OV9292 app on your phone. Want general info about public transport in the Netherlands? About tickets, the OV card and more? Check out this page.
Arrival in the Netherlands
Arriving in the Netherlands for the first time? Check out this page for practical info on what to do and where to go.

Directions to HAN campus by bike
The HAN campuses in Arnhem and Nijmegen are easy to reach by bike.
Coming from the city? Take the Heyendaalseweg or the St Annastraat. Both these roads have clear cycling paths, mostly separated from the traffic. It takes about 15 minutes. Coming from Nijmegen station? There's a fast bike route that gets you to the campus in just 10 minutes.
Plan your route in advance. Don't forget to set your navigator to bicycle so you get the best cycling route. Once at the campus you can lock your bike securely in one of the many bike racks or bike parking sheds.
To the HAN campus by car
The HAN campuses in Nijmegen and Arnhem are easily accessible by car. They also have free parking lots, charging points for electric cars and disabled parking spaces.