Despite the diverse character of the North Sea Region (NSR), asset managers of flood protection infrastructure face common challenges. This includes threats related to climate and socio-economic changes, along with the ageing of existing flood protection assets.
Countries in the NSR face a number of threats related to flood protection, especially climate and socio-economic changes, at the same time as existing flood protection assets continue to age. However, many European countries still have inadequate data or knowledge about flood risks, despite the European Directive. Amsterdam, Netherlands is ranked the European City with the greatest risk from sea level rise, with protection costs estimated as up to €66bn under RCP4.5 projections (assumed 3m sea level rise). Large investments are needed in order to face these challenges and to keep the NSR as safe as possible from flooding, both in maintaining existing and constructing new, assets.

FAIR brings together flood protection asset owners, operating authorities and researchers from across the NSR to share the policy, practice and emerging science of asset management. It aims to reduce flood risk across the NSR by developing and implementing improved approaches for asset management of flood protection infrastructure.
Our Team
Jeroen Rijke
Lecturer Sustainable River Management
- Rijkswaterstaat (NLD)
- Deltares (NLD)
- Hoogheemraadschap Schieland & Krimpenerwaard (NLD)
- Länsstyrelsen Skåne (SWE)
- Maritieme Dienstverlening en Kust (BE)
- Kyskdirektoratet (DK)
- Institute of River and Coastal Engineering TUHH (GER)
- Agency of Roads, bridges and waters LSGB (GER)
- Ministery of Economy Germany (GER)
- Traffic and Innovation City of Hamburg (GER)
- Saysers and Partners (UK)
We achieved a lot of results with the project FAIR we want to share with the world.
Publications have been published around the FAIR project that we are happy to share.

Research Center Substainable River Management
Rivers are of great ecological value. How can the river area remain safe and attractive at the same time? Our research group conducts practice-oriented research into this.