Internship abroad

Life (sciences) in Melbourne: “So many opportunities”

Russian student Arina Kochetkova (22) is following an internship at the Baker Institute in Melbourne. She’s enjoying everything Australia has to offer and is happy to share tips and experiences with her fellow HAN-students. “It can be difficult to reach institutes here, so start early!”

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Pim Muller
Life Sciencesstudent Arina Kochetkova loopt stage in Melbourne.
Away with disposable cups

Cup of coffee or tea? Use the Billie Cup!

Early class at 8:30? You wake yourself up with a cup of coffee from the coffee machine. Later, you have a class in another building so you quickly grab a new one. Then you switch to tea, another cup. That’s 3 disposable cups in one day.

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Lori Schulpen
Afbeelding van de Billie Cup, de duurzame beker voor warme dranken.
HEQED Project

An international dialogue about equal opportunity

To reduce disparities in health, we desperately need professionals who know how to make a difference. How do you train students for that? HAN is working with European partners on this issue in the HEQED project.

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HAN Newsroom

Danny works as an IT Consultant at SPAR Holding

Danny van Schaijk graduated from International Business in 2021. He is currently an IT Consultant at SPAR Holding in Waalwijk. How did studying IB help him land this job? What's it like to work as an IT Consultant? And what advice would he give to future IB students? Read all about it here.

HAN Newsroom
Embedded Systems Engineering student William programming on his laptop
"Perfect for your career"

Chemistry student Kyndra recommends ASTP-program

Aruban Chemistry student Kyndra Farro (24) got a lot of inspiration from the extracurricular Analytical Sciences Talent Program (ASTP). “There are all these areas where you don’t expect analytical chemistry to be involved, but then you find out it is.”

HAN Newsroom
Chemiestudent Kyndra Farro neemt deel aan het Analytical Science Talent Program 2022
School Council

Vice-president of the School Council: 'More psychological help for international students'

Sofia Aparicio González (22) is a third year Life Sciences student at HAN University of applied sciences. She’s from Panama, but decided to study abroad. “At first I wanted to go to Australia. But the year that I applied not only the forest fires happened, but also covid-19 struck. So I had to rethink where to go.”

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Julian Droog
Life Sciences-student Sofia Gonzalez is studentlid van de Academieraad van de Academie Toegepaste Biowetenschappen en Chemie
Yavor is in Milan with a goal

From ice hockey to life sciences

Yavor Yordanov’s (23) story is both unusual and inspiring. At 18, he arrived in Nijmegen from Bulgaria to pursue a career as an ice hockey goalie. The covid pandemic ended this dream. But he'd also been studying Life Sciences at HAN. Yavor is now more motivated than ever to succeed: not as an ice hockey player, but as an academic. And for a very special reason.

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HAN Newsroom
Bulgaarse Life Sciences-student Yavor Yordanov loopt stage in Milaan2
Exchange student

“Dutch people are super nice, and direct”

Yunim Kim is an exchange student from South Korea who came to HAN for her Life Sciences studies. Having no trouble finding a room in Nijmegen, and after a highly enjoyable summer trip through Europe and of course HAN’s introduction week, her exchange is off to the perfect start.

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HAN Newsroom
Exchange student Yunim Kim voor interview september 2022
Dutch Architecture Meets Dutch Landscape Architecture

"If in doubt: Just do it!"

Dutch Architecture Meets Dutch Landscape Architecture is a minor that’s been in the pipeline for a long time. It was first launched in the 2021-2022 academic year. It’s a collaboration between HAN and Van Hall Larenstein University of Applied Sciences. It brings together the disciplines of architecture and landscape architecture.

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Lex Eggink
presentatie bij de minor dutch architecture meets dutch landscape architecture
PhD research

Towards a colorful society with art-based communities

People with intellectual disabilities often live in social isolation. How can they participate in society with more equal footing, so they can lead a more autonomous life? “Art-based” communities have the potential to be an important step towards social justice for people with intellectual disabilities.

HAN Newsroom
voor schilderdoek