HAN BioCentre
Our team

Our professors and researchers develop scientific knowledge focussed on actual questions. We work in a multi- disciplinary manner with different expertises.
(Associate) professors
Christof Francke
Associate professor in Bio-informatics | Data Science
Richèle Wind
Associate professor in Biobased Technology
Carlien Verberne-van de Laak, MSc
Program manager Centre of Expertise
Laura Claret-Fernandéz PhD.
Project Leader Fermentation Technology & DSP
Philip de Groot, Dr. Ing.
Project leader Data Mining
Sefanne Hakken, MSc
Project leader Antimicrobial Resistance and Lab coordinator
Maurice van den Heuvel
Administrative support
Lex Hoekstein
ICT administrator
Nardy Kip PhD.
Teacher-researcher Fermentation Technology
David van de Klashorst, BSc
Technician Celbiology
Tim Kleijweg, MSc
Technician Molecular Biology
Else Kragt, MSc
Technician Biorefinery and Analytical Chemistry
Dennis Lamers, BSc
PhD researcher Microbial Oil
Martijn van der Pol, BSc
System controller
Stefan van Rootselaar, Dr.
Teacher-researcher Organical Chemistry
Piret Saar-Reismaa PhD.
Teacher-researcher Analytical Chemistry
Sedigheh Safari
Anne Selten, BSc
Bart Smeets, Dr.
Project leader Celbiological Model Systems
Karin Struijs, Dr. Ir.
Project leader Biorefinery and Analytical Chemistry
Bram Visscher, BSc
Technician Fermentation
Emma Vos, MSc
Teacher-researcher Bioinformatics
Are you interested to learn more about one of our current or past projects, or would you like to discuss other research possibilities?
Would you like to know if our facilities are available?
Or are you a student and would you like information about an internship, graduation or minor project at the HAN BioCentre?
Feel free to contact us at:
email: info.hanbiocentre@han.nl
or telephone +31 24 353 19 00
Visiting address
Laan van Scheut 2
6525 EM Nijmegen
You can use the free parking space at Laan van Scheut 10.
Postal address
PO Box 6960
6503 GL Nijmegen