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International Social Work

''I learn a lot about different cultures from all over the world''

Talia is a 3rd year International Social work student. Curious about her experiences and her advice for new students? Read more to find out.

HAN Newsroom
Een foto van student International Social Work Talia Heinen tijdens haar stage in Sri Lanka.
International Social Work

''I love that we all help each other''

Manuela is 28 and comes from Brazil. She’s in her 1st year of International Social Work. She loves the caring and helpful attitude of her classmates.

HAN Newsroom
International Social Work, klas, college, 2 docenten, vrouw
International Social Work

''I've become more expressive''

Greggory is 27 and comes from the USA. He’s in his 1st year of International Social Work. Curious what made him apply for International Social Work and how it changed him as a person? Read on to find out.

HAN Newsroom
International Social Work student in HAN Nijmegen building