Applied Research
De centrale vraag die we bij het associate Lectoraat Customer Insight willen beantwoorden: hoe kan je op basis van inzicht in je (potentiële) klant duurzame waarde creëren voor de stakeholders van je organisatie?

We doen onderzoek met zowel commerciële als publieke organisaties. Denk bijvoorbeeld aan start-ups, gemeenten en adviesbureaus. De onderwerpen variëren van marktonderzoek tot inwonersparticipatie en van mobiliteitsgedrag tot Retail.
Opportunities for collaboration
Types of collaboration/ Joint Research/ Types of companies and institutes
Our working method
The way we approach research and collaboration with partners
Knowledge partners and networks
Companies/ Institutes/ etc..
Embedded Systems student scores with dream internship at Thyssenkrupp
Antonios Gkougkoulidis, an HAN University Embedded Systems Engineering student, recently completed a year-long internship and graduation project at Thyssenkrupp in Liechtenstein, earning the highest possible grade: a 10. His success is rooted in his journey with the MOdular REsearch (MORE) project at HAN University.

Ambitious Master student Builds a Future in Intelligent Mobility
Romanian Radu Firtat moved to the Netherlands in 2019 to pursue a bachelor’s degree in Automotive Engineering at HAN University of Applied Sciences. It was his first adventure abroad. After completing his bachelor's, he decided to continue his studies. He chose the Master Engineering Systems at HAN. Intelligent Mobility is his specialty, focusing on making systems smarter and more autonomous. So, how is Radu doing this?

Onderzoeksproject Leefstijl selfie van start
Het aantal mensen met dementie neemt toe. Hoe kan je als wijkverpleegkundige je cliënten goed begeleiden? Kan je cognitieve achteruitgang van mensen met geheugenproblemen vertragen als je aan de slag gaat met een gezonde leefstijl. Deze leefstijlfactoren hebben namelijk invloed op dementie: bewegen, voeding, sociale contacten, slaap, gehoor/zicht, alcoholgebruik en roken.

Student Mechanical Engineering grows potatoes with space technology
Paulino studies Mechanical Engineering at HAN and founded the company Gravity Gardens. He combines plant science with engineering and space technology to grow vegetables vertically. In what way?

International week Health & Social Studies 2025
Many social issues do not stop at international borders. On 5, 6 and 7 February 2025 we organize the 13th edition of the HAN International Week Health & Social Studies. This year's theme is: Beyond Borders. The program consists of lectures, workshops, and exchange sessions. The main program can be followed on campus (Nijmegen) or online on our livestream! Hope to see you!

Gravity Racer popular learning competition among HAN Automotive Engineering students
On Tuesday afternoon, 17 December 2024, the Gravity Racer was held on the exit of parking deck behind the education building at Ruitenberglaan 29 in Arnhem! The annual event is a popular 2nd-year project among full-time Automotive students. The self-built vehicles were very much in competition with each other. As a result, the differences between them were very small, making it a nerve-racking and exciting race!

HAN Students Master Engineering Systems attend Hydrogen Autumn School
Osatohanmwen Owieadolor and Iñigo Manterola Elola, both pursuing Master degrees in Engineering Systems at HAN University of Applied Sciences, recently attended the 1st Transnational Hydrogen Autumn School in Belfort, France. How dit they immersed themselves in the world of hydrogen mobility?

International Week Health & Social Studies 2025
Many social issues do not stop at international borders. From Wednesday 5 to Friday 7 February 2025 we organize the HAN International Week Health & Social Studies. During this week students and lecturers share experiences and knowledge related to the international context of health and social work.

Announcement of adjustment opening hours study centres
Read more about the future opening hours of the study centres below.

End of database Get The Lead
Read the information below about the end of the access to database Get The Lead.