Short course — Teaching in the Netherlands

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Do you see yourself teaching in Europe? Like to learn about the different types of schools in the Netherlands? And be a student teacher? You get 3 weeks of intensive international training from experienced lecturers. Plus time in front of a classroom of Dutch children. Let’s go!

postponed until further notice

This short program will not be offered in the 2022-2023 academic year. It is prosponed until further notice. 

Why Teaching in the Netherlands Winter School?

Learn about new teaching innovations

You attend workshops and lectures on educational innovations. New teaching and learning strategies. And visit schools that use these innovations.

Create your ideal school

In a small team you design a concept for your ideal school. You build a mini version of that school. And present it to the class in the final week.

met basisschool kinderen aan tafel tijdens de lunch

Soak up some Dutch culture

The program includes day trips and a guided tour to Amsterdam, The Hague and Delft.

Arnhem fietsen

Visit and teach at Dutch Schools

Learn about Dutch culture and its school systems in real classrooms. You take what you’ve learned and student teach a class of Dutch children.


How to make a difference in the classroom

The Teaching in the Netherlands Winter School shows you first-hand how to teach and engage children on an international level. Learn about the various European educational systems. And how things work in a Dutch classroom. Experienced lecturers teach you about European innovations. Educational reforms. Dutch culture. At the end of your 3-week study you can teach a classroom full of Dutch children.

Discover the city of Nijmegen

The lovely university town of Nijmegen has a great atmosphere. Just wander through its beautiful old streets and you feel its rich history. Looking for a charming pub or restaurant, a bit of culture or a great night out? Nijmegen has all this and more. Keen on sport or nature? Nijmegen has loads of sports clubs and is surrounded by beautiful forests full of hiking and bicycle trails.


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  • HAN Nijmegen campus

    Kapittelweg 35
    6525 EN Nijmegen
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Contact us

Got a question? Contact us at ASK HAN. We're happy to help!

Opening hours

Monday to Friday: 08:00 - 17:00

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What topics do you learn about? Which learning methods are used? And how are you assessed?