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Automotive Systems track - Dutch students

Want to start the Automotive Systems track of the Master Engineering Systems? Below you can find all the info for Dutch students.

studenten werkt samen aan zelfrijdende auto met laptop

Choose your study format

Full-time or Part-time

You can study the Automotive Systems track of the Master Engineering Systems in full-time or part-time. Studying in full-time means doing an internship during the program. Studying in part-time means doing the program alongside your current job. For both formats, you pay the regular (statutory) tuition fees. Have you already earned a master degree? Then you pay the institutional tuition fees. Read more on the Dutch pages.

Direct transfer

To follow the Automotive Systems track of the Master Engineering Systems you don’t need a pre-master. You do need a relevant bachelor degree.

You want to start the Automotive Systems track

Your own judgement is leading when making such a crucial decision. A meeting with a HAN study advisor can help you with this decision. You can check whether your expectations about the program are realistic. And get a better idea of your personal study program. Why not also visit the Open Day or Open Evening in Arnhem? Find all the info on the Dutch pages.

Automotive HART rallyteam vertelt op Open Dag

Application Info?

Keen to get started? We’re happy to guide you through the application process. Find all the info on the Dutch application page.