Embedded engineers programming for Wilhelmina Children's Hospital
To conclude the Embedded Programming Semester, 14 enthusiastic Embedded Systems Engineering students of HAN University of Applied Sciences, together with three driven Embedded Engineers from Cap Gemini, participated in a two-day hackathon for the Wilhelmina Children's Hospital (WKZ) in Utrecht on 24 and 25 January.

The challenge was to develop an open-source patient monitor based on a Raspberry Pi single-board computer with real vital functions. The Embedded Systems hakathon was part of HAN School of Engineering and Automotive's Event Week. The jury, consisting of representatives from WKZ, Cap Gemini and HAN Health Concept Lab, was impressed with the results.
One of the winners received a Raspberry Pi 5 kit, while others were awarded a JLink debugger. And yet other participants received development boards to extend their experiments. Of course, everyone received a 'debug duck' as a souvenir!

The event highlights the importance of collaboration between educational institutions, companies and healthcare institutions in using technology to improve healthcare. HAN lecturer researcher Johan Korten: "We are proud of our achievements and eagerly look forward to future collaborations that will continue to inspire and motivate our students."
Hackers: Niels van de Pol | San Kyaw Htin | Dominik G. | Nicholas Chiru | Timco Morren | Nainam Shah | Joao Nunes Horta | Emiel Visser | Joris Bol | Denys Kshyvanskyi | Daniel Kolev | Lucas Bolwidt | Thomas Randwijk | Jori Will | Haider Raja | Niek de Bruin
Jury: Jozua Van Duuren | Timo de Raad | Oğuz Uncu | Victor Hogeweij | Johan Korten
For more information, please contact mr. Johan Korten at ask@han.nl
#MadeByESE #HealthConceptLab