International Week Health & Social Studies 2023

Many social issues do not stop at international borders. From Wednesday 1 to Friday 3 February 2023 we organize the HAN International Week Health & Social Studies. During this week students and lecturers share experiences and knowledge related to the international context of health and social work.
At HAN students develop into global citizens who approach the world with an open mind and a borderless and intercultural perspective. The International Week Health and Social Studies contributes to that mission. Topics like refugees, inclusion and stress reduction are part of the general program of the week. Everyone can join our online livestream, so get inspired! A selection of the lectures you can find on this page. For the complete progam, check out:
Find your direction in an uncertain and changing world
We live in times of crisis and change. How do we relate personally and as professionals to the big challenges of our time? Do we focus on doing things well, or can we actually do good things? Merlijn Twaalfhoven is a composer and an artist. He worked in refugee camps in several countries, seeking to find fresh and connecting ways of dialogue and collaboration. In his lecture he will actively seek steps to turn what we do best into what matters most. And focus on how your care, skills and creativity can help us thrive, not only as a person or an organisation, but as a society.

When crisis hits...
We never choose to be in a crisis. A flood, earthquake or war changes everything. It not only disrupts what was once normal, but it also puts you in a position where even the most basic necessities of life become a struggle. Consider the possibility of not having easy access to clean water, nutritious food, electricity, hospitals or a safe place to sleep. During this lecture, we will discuss the effects of crises, with a focus on food security and nutrition. What actions can the international community take to assist? Kim Heidekamp will share her personal experiences.

Sentiment and stress-mindset play a role in emotion regulation
We define a stress mindset as a set of beliefs about stress. Stress has its good and bad sides. Therefore, stress may have positive or adverse effects, depending on the type of set of beliefs. For example, the increasing focus might be positive, while tunnel vision might be negative. The inherent beliefs in stress shape the effects of stress on individuals. So, what if there might be a way to change such beliefs and therefore achieve more resilience to stress? The sentiment expressed by individuals is an excellent probing tool for such beliefs and the stress mindset.

Travel without privilege
Els van Driel does a deep dive into her award winning documentary Shadow Game and will screen the follow-up documentary Durrab’s Labyrinth. Durrab is a Pakistani young adult who is not eligible for asylum, because he comes from a ‘safe’ country. He ends up in the shadow world of Europe. In order to survive in this illegality he becomes a human trafficker. “I help people who are suffering,” is his way of looking at it. It’s a matter of perspective. This reading centers around the shadow world of Europe, where nothing is black and white and people who come from a supposed ‘safe land’ suddenly become people with hopes and dreams too.

Attunement: what is it & how to use?
How important is attunement for the development of children and subsequent relationships they will develop? Attunement is a concept coined by Daniel Stern (1985) and can be explained as the foundation of human connections. It means to be aware and respond to the emotions of another person, which contributes to how we form relationships. Attunement has proved to be a fundamental contribution to many health and therapeutic practices such as arts therapies, psychomotor therapy, pedagogy and many more. Together with you, Marcela will explore how people can benefit from learning how attunement originated and what happens if we do not attune to others.

Music changes the world
Meet Sounds of Change with Lucas Dols & Sander van Goor. Sounds of Change trains people that work with communities living in challenging circumstances. For these people, words often are not enough to express themselves. To deal with heavy emotions, and feel safe again, another approach is needed. Music bonds people and is a powerful tool to express yourself in a different way than with words. Making music stimulates creativity and appeals to the imagination. Composing and creating music leads to discovering other possibilities, and it strengthens coping mechanisms. Being creative also awakens the understanding that there are always opportunities to build a future. Even if you are living in the middle of war, a devastated city or in a refugee camp.

Brown eyes, blue eyes
Ṣeydâ Buurman-Kutsal is an expert in diversity, equity and inclusion. In her lecture she will talk about the anatomy of prejudice: Brown Eyes Blue Eyes. We experience differences every day, in our society, in the city or village where we live and in the workplace. Prejudice often stands in the way of a balanced relationship. Diversity is a given, it is universal. Let's use it as an asset to deal with variety and complexity.

Check out the full program
You can check out the full program on the event page. Here you will also find the link to the livestream. No sign-up required. Which lecture are you going to follow? We hope to see you!