Renault Clio Hybrid for HAN Engineering and Automotive
Ertan Ertunç, manager of post-graduate courses at the HAN School of Engineering and Automotive, drove to HAN in a special orange-colored Sinterklaas gift on Monday 5 December. An electric Renault Clio Hybrid! The brand new car had been donated – on loan – by regional branch managers of the Bochane Group. It can be used for education and research on smart and clean hybrid technology at HAN in Arnhem.

The right systems knowledge
Ertan Ertunç is delighted with the generous donation. "We’re pleased we can use the car to keep students' automotive knowledge up-to-date. Like in the System Specialist Automotive associate degree, which we also offer as a tailored program."
Patrick Schoonhoven, branch manager of the Bochane Group in Apeldoorn, oversaw the key handover of the electric Renault Clio. He was glad for the opportunity to donate the car to HAN.
Schoonhoven: "Current and future technologies increase the challenges in the automotive workshop. This calls for competent and well-trained technicians with the right systems knowledge. That’s also why Bochane appreciates the cooperation with schools. We also value our long-term relationship with HAN Automotive Engineering and hope to continue it this way."
HAN researchers and students can research or test whatever they like with this state-of-the-art hybrid car. Even though the vehicle is on loan, they can completely take it apart and put it back together if needed, says Schoonhoven.
Renault's Formula 1 technology
Eduard Geurtjens, branch manager of the Bochane Group in Arnhem who handled the key transfer, adds that this Renault Clio E-Tech Hybrid has both an electric motor and an internal combustion engine. It consumes up to 40% less fuel than a regular petrol engine. The hybrid car also has a 140 hp engine, is packed with luxury options, and needs no plugs for charging. The self-charging powertrain is derived directly from Renault's Formula 1 technology!"
Paul Claessen, HAN lecturer in Automotive Engineering, notes there’s no clutch but an extra electric motor to engage the gears. Schoonhoven: "True, the car doesn’t have a gearbox either. Several electric motors provide the drive."

Gerrit Averesch, Dean of HAN Engineering and Automotive, was happy to leave the key handover to those in charge of the team: manager Peter Brouwer, Automotive team leader Pieter Ravensbergen and Ertan Ertunç. The latter received the keys from Eduard Geurtjens, who in turn received a bottle of wine and flowers as thanks. This sealed the beautiful deal between HAN representatives and the Bochane Group!