Open Up 2024

Intro program: Master Engineering Systems

The introduction program for the Master Engineering Systems is the same for all the tracks. As master student you are expected to meet other master students during the startup class on Tuesday 27 August.

Studenten van de Master Engineering Systems Automotive Systems op IPKW bij de MORE Vehicle.

Welcome to the HAN Master’s Degree Program Engineering Systems!

During the master programme, you gain the skills and knowledge to plan and carry out research/development projects that contribute to the development of products. Apart from scientific knowledge and skills, project management and communication skills are trained during the program.

Team onderwijsbureau van de HAN Master Engineering Systems
Arnhem HAN Campus 

Monday 26 August: Welcome day

Arnhem HAN Campus

Tuesday 27 August: Startup class

On 27 August you'll come to campus as well for a startup class. It will prepare you for your actual classes, which begin on 2 September.

Details of your startup class:

  • Time: 13:30 to 21:00 hours
  • Date: Tuesday 27 August
  • Location: Ruitenberglaan 26, HAN Campus Arnhem
  • Topics: Study coaching, maths, use of Matlab Simulink

Your HANaccount

You need a HAN university computing account for your registration in our HAN administration, and for full access to all information about your study program courses. Students who have met all enrollment conditions will receive an e-mail message that enables them to create a HANaccount. Please wait for the e-mail message entitled "Start HANaccount". It will be sent to the e-mail address you used in Studielink.

Your final enrollment and your tuition fees

You will find important information about your final enrollment, tuition fees and the like at My Application. Please observe the deadlines.


The lecture timetable will be available from 26 August on Insite, the internal network of HAN. Once you have created your HANaccount, you can view your timetable in the MES pages.

Please take into account that in principle you are expected in classes on Monday until Thursday between 13.00 (1 pm) to 20.45 (8.45 pm). And on Friday from 9.00 (9 am) to 12.30.

Please note that our lecture timetables change every quarter, and that occasionally interim changes can also occur.

More information

  • Cost

    The introduction is completely free of charge.

  • Sign up

    You'll receive an email with all the information you need to know. You don't need to sign up.

  • Contact

    Want to know more about your introduction? Send an email to

Good to know

Want to know more about your introduction?

Send an email to our team!

Team onderwijsbureau van de HAN Master Engineering Systems

How do I get to the HAN campus?

The HAN campus in Arnhem is easily accessible by bike, public transport and car. The campus is within cycling distance of Arnhem city center and you can easily walk to it from Arnhem-Presikhaaf railway station.

HAN vlaggen bij R31

General Terms and Conditions

We set some important house rules during the introduction week. For example about medical conditions and safety, but also about alcohol, drugs and smoking. If you participate in the Intro, then you agree with the general terms and conditions that we have drawn up for you.

Don't you want to be photographed?

During the intro, pictures and videos will be made to show everybody how nice our intro is. Do you have objections? Tell the photographer or cameraman on the spot or please mail us.

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