International Week 2024 day 2

Check out the program for the HAN International Week Health and Social Studies on day 2, Thursday the 1st of February 2024.
The Losing Game

Privileges and selfcare
This presentation will be about intersectionality, privileges and what people may go through on a daily base based on disability, sexuality, gender, etnicity and class. Selfcare during your studies is an important theme which is often forgotten especially under first generation students. Sarita is an expert in Privilige, Diversity and Inclusitivity training. She works intersectionality with an emphasis on racism, meaning she focuses on gender, LGBT+,racism, classism and whiteness. She is an activiast as well as a trainer and consultant for the governement as well as for large companies.

Storyteller, theatermaker en Kapenees Archell Thompson vertolkt het verhaal van Tula ten tijde van de opstand van de tot slaaf gemaakten op Curaçao. Archell vertelt welke impact het verhaal van Tula heeft op zijn leven in het hier en nu. Hiermee wil hij bereiken dat er anno 2023 meer bewustwording en waardering komt voor vrijheid en gelijkheid voor iedereen. This session is in Dutch.

Cultural sensitivity (Sarita Bajnath)
We organize this networking program especially for our guest speakers, lecturers and professional partners. From which perspective do you interact with another person? We will have an interactive session about we and I culture, mediarepresentation, microagressions and powerdynamics on the workfloor. We will laugh, we will share and we will become aware of our interactions. Sarita is an expert in Privilige, Diversity and Inclusitivity training. She works intersectionality with an emphasis on racism, meaning she focuses on gender, LGBT+,racism, classism and whiteness. She is an activiast as well as a trainer and consultant for the governement as well as for large companies.

Check out day 3
Marcela Andrade del Corro, Sander de Kramer, Robin Timmers and Els van Driel. Learn more about day 3