in lounge ruimte


Colorful statues, fireworks and long days in the lab: Zheliana’s first weeks as an intern in Valencia

From a small town in Bulgaria, Zheliana Radilova came to the Netherlands to study Life Sciences at the HAN. The lab skills she gained in the previous years come in handy at her new internship in Spain. “I notice I have an advantage compared to academic university students.”

HAN Newsroom
Life Sciences-student Zheliana Radilova loopt stage in Barcelona

Lauren went from exchange student to PhD in Australia’s sunshine state: ‘I love the outdoor lifestyle here’

Lauren Geurds went on exchange to Australia for the graduation internship of her Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry at HAN. 6 years later she finished her PhD, found a prestigious new job, and feels fully integrated Down under.

HAN Newsroom
ATBC-student Lauren Geurds liep stage in Australië, haalde er haar PhD en woont daar inmiddels

Quality cappuccino’s, lots of tiramisu and the support of a departed friend: Elske’s experience in Milan will forever be a special memory

Life Sciences student Elske Christiaanse found an ideal internship at the Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research in Milan. But the initial excitement about her adventure in the fashion capital of the world suddenly took a turn, when she received terrible news.

HAN Newsroom
Life Sciences-student Elske Christiaanse loopt stage in Milaan