in lounge ruimte


Lauren went from exchange student to PhD in Australia’s sunshine state: ‘I love the outdoor lifestyle here’

Lauren Geurds went on exchange to Australia for the graduation internship of her Bachelor’s degree in Chemistry at HAN. 6 years later she finished her PhD, found a prestigious new job, and feels fully integrated Down under.

HAN Newsroom
ATBC-student Lauren Geurds liep stage in Australië, haalde er haar PhD en woont daar inmiddels

At WIS Club students help each other through games & karaoke

As an international student it can be tough to find your way in a completely new environment. Especially in the first year. But don’t worry, because our school hosts many internationals who are going through the same, or who already experienced it and are happy to help. They get together every month in the new Wellbeing in Science club (WIS).

Pim Muller
Voorzitter van de WIS Club van ATBC Liudmyla Zhukovska

Wendy and Liudmyla's world ranges from CO2-meters to degree statutes

Interested in what the School Council does over the year? Members Myla Zhukovska and Wendy Broeders are happy to tell you about the projects and problems that the School Council concerns itself with. “Well, basically everything that’s going on here.”

Pim Muller
Drie leden van de Academieraad van de Academie Toegepaste Biowetenschappen en Chemie, Carien Booijink, Liudmyla Zhukovska en Sonja Lezaja

Chemistry student Kyndra recommends ASTP-program

Aruban Chemistry student Kyndra Farro (24) got a lot of inspiration from the extracurricular Analytical Sciences Talent Program (ASTP). “There are all these areas where you don’t expect analytical chemistry to be involved, but then you find out it is.”

HAN Newsroom
Chemiestudent Kyndra Farro neemt deel aan het Analytical Science Talent Program 2022